Why should I be concerned about the financial problems my employees or members may have?


One of the best features is that we have no products to sell. This way your callers can be assured of unbiased advice without any competing interests.

FINRA law prohibits dispensing specific investment advice without a securities license in the member’s home state, but askAFS has done one better. We’ve discovered that callers don’t need to be told what to buy or sell, they need the guidance and education that allows them to make informed decisions month after month, year after year. We take the time with each caller to explain how to evaluate the choices they face regarding their investments, so they become better informed and more successful investors.

Studies conducted over the past 15 years all point to the same truths: Financial stress reduces employee productivity, increases absenteeism and presenteeism, results in more policy lapses, increased health problems and leads to workplace injuries. It has been proven that employees spend 12-20 hours each month dealing with personal financial problems.

Our certified, professional counselors face a variety of issues each and every day. Some are crisis related such as foreclosure, collection matters, or eviction concerns. Others are more planning related such as finding ways to pay off debt faster, investigating ways to pay for college, creating a cashflow plan and setting and achieving other financial goals.

Implementing a financial counseling benefit that includes a live helpline is a simple process. Our representatives can assist with a rollout plan that includes a promotion and education campaign designed to maximize utilization and make a biggest impact on your members’ well-being.